Welcome to our annual year in review.
Join us as we take a look back at the past 12 months, goals we’ve achieved, office milestones and a fuel crisis we’d rather not repeat!
January: We started the New Year with a lockdown that no-one was looking forward to. Unless you were based in Kent, where nothing changed as we’d been locked down for what felt like forever already.

Below are a few examples of other entries submitted into the competition.
March: Steve Jemmett-Page ended his 4-year tenure as Chairman and David Fuller was voted in his place.

April: FREEDOM! We were all thrilled that 12/04 saw the lockdown begin to ease, and life return to relative normality.
May: Sarah & I visited the first Agri-South event held at Faversham Showground. It was a lovely day, bitterly cold but very well attended! We also starred in our first youtube video as we were visited by ‘out of the town with Robin Bell’.

June: Our friend & colleague Claire finally walked down the aisle after Covid played havoc with her wedding plans. We wish both her & Matt all the best for the future. Also…

July: A bumper month, July saw our largest monthly turnover for the year, along with the largest number of invoices processed, an eyewatering 9,578.
August: We ran our only bulk fuel buy of the year. Lead times began to extend after the August bank holiday, and we felt it best to avoid worsening the situation by adding more pressure on suppliers. Little did we know that this was in fact the calm before the storm.
September: The fuel crisis really hit, with lead times extending to over a fortnight and on 27/09 the price rose by 7p overnight. At the time of writing (29/11) the fuel situation, although far improved, is still a long way from the level of service that we are used to.
Sarah & I visited our first show for months when we headed over to Dolphin Sheep Fair, surprisingly, and for the first time (for us) it was scorching and we resorted to hiding under a horse jump for shade. The end of the month we visited the EKPM and spent the day chatting to members, watching the bird of prey displays and taking lots of photos.
And of course, how could we forget the launch of our brand, spanking new, super sparkly website! Florence, Brigitte and I worked really hard on this, and we’re so proud of the result.
October: Florence & I spent the day visiting various members farms to take pictures for the website, here are just a few examples.
November: Sarah & I visited the first ever ‘The Vineyard Show’ at Detling. We were slightly overwhelmed on arrival but were really pleased we attended. The show was very well supported, it was lovely to catch up with some new members we hadn’t met before. We were mostly pleased that the show was inside because Detling is freezing at the best of times!
December: At the time of writing (29/11) the office is a hive of activity. With our accounts sent off to be audited, we can look forward to our Christmas parties (unofficial 03/12 and official 22/12) which is sure to be filled with fun and lets be honest, wine. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our members for supporting us through another busy year, and wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.